29 Oct 2012

Herzog Sacked

Mazal Tov!

Chaim Tzvi Groner has sent Chaim Herzog a letter saying that he is no longer a shliach and not allowed to use Chabad's name.
Herzog has called Chaim Tzvi to Beis Din before the Vaad Rabbonei Lubavitch in New York. Three Rabbonim will be picked to hear the case and either decide to uphold Chaim Tzvi's sacking or chas vshalom to put Chaim Herzog back as a shliach.
Everyone in New York cant understand why it took Chaim Tzvi so long to do this. Its official that you are not allowed to be a shliach if you are a bochur. Kotlarsky has already said that as far as he is concerned Herzog is not a shliach. Maybe they should also check if he really has semicha? Ask Rabbi Yaroslavsky if he actually tested him in person or just relied on faxed answers that Mendel Kaminetzky wrote.

Herzog has rushed to New York to deal with this case.

Who is taking care of Chabad of the CBD in the meantime? Raskin has not been there for weeks so it must be Mendel Kaminetzky. Maybe he will be the new shliach there?


  1. Now also on Haaretz and Jewish Week and J-Wire and even on CrownHeights.info
    This is going totally viral!

  2. Is he ever coming back to Melbourne? Chabad of CBD does almost nothing any more.
